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  NetSpeed Smart Education Solutions
  In NetSpeed Smart Education, our job is to turn your classroom into an interactive learning centers, so that each well received by teachers and students can be inspired by interactive teaching methods and inspiration.
When you are bothered by the following questions: blackboard instruction, chalk dust harmful to health, education jerky, students accept the difficulties; multimedia projection screen lectures, teachers can only be at the computer, click on the computer into the "machine", the lack of teaching between teachers and students interaction; multimedia whiteboard teaching, only in the whiteboard before the talks, could not move the control computer in the classroom.
Interactive Board multimedia classroom so you can be completely freed from these problems.
Teachers can hand or any blunt object completely replace mouse and chalk directly on the interactive whiteboard to operate a computer, can be written on the label of any computer interface, easy to draw various geometric shapes, physical chemistry experiment maps. To comprehensive utilization of text, graphics, images, sounds, music and other resources made vivid demonstration system for the display of teaching content, to provide students with a more vivid and dramatic image of teaching.

Side of the classroom teachers can move freely, while easy to control the computer. Not only to achieve maximum student-teacher interaction, but also allow teachers to ride with, want to stop to stop, want to move to move, complete the teacher from teaching or sit down and teach only stand the embarrassment of the liberation.

What can we do
1. Can improve the efficiency of the teacher's teaching to enhance teaching of intelligent planning ... the use of interactive whiteboard teaching, writing on the blackboard the teacher will need the original content displayed by way of courseware, in the course can also continue to add, modify, sound, save the courseware in different classes can be reused, not only reduces the intensity of the teacher's work, but also improve the teacher's teaching effectiveness, to ensure that the teaching of planning.
2. Can enhance classroom teaching atmosphere, enhanced ability to interact with teachers and students ... the use of interactive whiteboard teaching intelligent, teachers can turn to different students came to power operation, the teacher can also answer in the process, to guide, explain, and students to correct errors in a timely manner, to better stimulate students interest in learning, improve classroom climate, enhance student-teacher interaction. For example, in our art class, students need to understand the shape and color of the bathroom. Ease the students to apply the appropriate tool to change the line width and color field painting, but also can be modified in time and compare.
3. Things to the abstract into concrete things manifested ... in the physics class when the teacher out of thin air are generally explained, the students imagined for teaching and learning, the best of times is nothing but a few pictures for reference. Smart use of interactive whiteboard teaching, the teacher can be simulated on the board centripetal force, centripetal acceleration motion state of the whole process, so that teachers lectures write with substance, it is specific, students do not understand lectures will not be foggy, Classroom excellent results
4. a comprehensive record of the teaching process to facilitate students review and summarize ... with interactive Smart whiteboard teaching, whether by operation of the teacher or the students to answer in operation, are available through the software automatically stored in the recording and broadcasting functions into a video file to facilitate students to find the problem, to sum up and review. For example, we in the geography class, the teacher can find a Chinese map, students use a pen to draw on the whiteboard in the smart location of the provinces and the provinces will drag plate map from the corresponding position in the gallery. DRAWVIEW can playback all of the operations, to facilitate students in the future review.
4. a comprehensive record of the teaching process to facilitate students review and summarize ... with interactive Smart whiteboard teaching, whether by operation of the teacher or the students to answer in operation, are available through the software automatically stored in the recording and broadcasting functions into a video file to facilitate students to find the problem, to sum up and review. For example, we in the geography class, the teacher can find a Chinese map, students use a pen to draw on the whiteboard in the smart location of the provinces and the provinces will drag plate map from the corresponding position in the gallery. DRAWVIEW can playback all of the operations, to facilitate students in the future review.
5. To enable students to integrate theory with practice, improve the ability of students to use knowledge of ... the use of interactive teaching intelligent whiteboard, teachers can live in some of the pictures show scenes of students to achieve a combination of theory and real life. Theory and students are closely linked to daily life, the theory is derived from life, students concerned about the life, pay attention things around and learn theory and practical matters, enhances the students to use knowledge. For example, in music lesson, DRAWVIEW software with video processing capabilities. In music class the teacher before, simply note into the video screen, can operate directly on the video, you can enjoy music with the students. Communication and discussion in class to enhance the interaction between the students guidance and learning, will help improve team collaboration.
6. Can improve the attention of students, enhance student understanding ... in the teaching process, the understanding of some key words can be outlined in the use of the whiteboard, drag and drop, photography, drawing screen, spotlight function, so that students Attention quickly focused on their lessons and improve their reading comprehension.
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